
HMB QA Series by Angela
Author: Angela Frazier
Published On: December 21, 2023
While our platform is a powerful source that allows thousands of donors to support our families on Help Me Bounce, there is so much more that Spare Key does to support the families on our platform! Join me while I provide answers to questions surrounding the sources of funding that are raised on Help Me Bounce and ways Spare Key fulfills their mission in this installment of the Help Me Bounce Q&A Series: Sources Behind Funding Families.
MBA of St Louis Golf Tournament
Author: Sarah Rocklitz
Published On: November 2, 2023
Spare Key was honored and privileged to make the trek down to St. Louis for the Mortgage Banker’s Association of St Louis’s Annual Golf Outing at Whitmoor Country Club! This is the second year Spare Key has attended this tournament, and we were SO excited to see the returning faces of our partners and friends in Missouri who support Spare Key’s mission of helping families facing real hardship pay real bills in real time! Read on to hear how the day went!
Man staring at computer
Author: Angela Frazier
Published On: October 11, 2023
At Spare Key, we help families “Bounce and Not Break” through our Help Me Bounce program, assisting families from across the country and in all age brackets. We strive to ensure our platform is the most transparent, user-friendly & convenient place for families facing medical crisis. We have dedicated the Help Me Bounce Q&A Series to answer your questions surrounding our platform and its processes. No matter how tech-savvy you may be, this series was created for a place of reference, no matter the question! Join Angela, as she guides you through the most commonly asked questions (and answers!) surrounding the platform with this installment of Help Me Bounce Q&A Series: Technology Questions.
QandA Series by Angela
Author: Angela Frazier
Published On: August 17, 2023
Spare Key’s Help Me Bounce Program Coordinator, Angela Frazier, shares her insights on our platform through the Help Me Bounce Q & A Series. Each installment highlights the topics of commonly asked questions. She determines the focus through her daily communication with families and donors on Help Me Bounce. Today she is sharing her insights on gaining and maintaining momentum for families’ campaigns throughout their Help Me Bounce journey.
Writing Your Story by Angela Frazier
Author: Angela Frazier
Published On: June 22, 2023
Each month, I take this opportunity to write about the processes and offer a deeper view of our Help Me Bounce platform. I’ve dedicating this space to share information I’ve gathered through my role and talking to the families every day. As Help Me Bounce Program Coordinator, this Q&A series has been a great way to highlight areas where we receive the most questions. This month’s installment is geared towards the families on our platform. It’s focused on the importance of writing their story and the impact it makes on their campaign. I hope to continue providing an easy and meaningful experience for everyone who visits the platform with this installment in the Help Me Bounce Q&A Series - Writing Your Story.
Missouri Growth
Author: Sarah Rocklitz
Published On: June 8, 2023
Growth takes time – ask any business owner. And nonprofits are no different! When Spare Key launched our Help Me Bounce platform back in 2019, we knew we had launched the solution to helping exponentially more families throughout the nation facing medical crises.But that’s when the hard work really began. We needed to register to help families in more states throughout the nation and that takes time. Then, we needed to ensure families actually KNEW about Spare Key and how we can help. We don’t have all the answers yet, but we are continually learning and growing.

Creating a Profile on Help Me Bounce
Author: Angela Frazier
Published On: May 11, 2023
As the Help Me Bounce Coordinator, one of my responsibilities is to ensure everyone’s experience on our platform is successful. My goal is to provide all visitors to the site the confidence to complete each task with ease. This Help Me Bounce Blog Q&A Series has been the best way for me to achieve this; in dedicating each entry to a specific topic within the program. Each month I collect frequently asked questions about each topic and deliver you the answers. As I continue highlighting the importance of every section within the Help Me Bounce platform and why each step is necessary, I bring you this next installment in the Q&A Series - Creating a profile.
The Hoyle Family
Author: Sarah Rocklitz
Published On: April 27, 2023
As the full Spare Key team wraps up final details from last Saturday’s Groove Gala, presented by Network Title, Inc., Spare Key’s Executive Director, Sarah Putnam, took some time to reflect on the night. The generosity, the sponsors, the volunteers, the attendees, and the Hoyle Family who was able to share their story and their experience on Help Me Bounce. Read on to hear highlights from another incredible celebration of Spare Key’s important work helping families facing unimaginable medical hardship “Bounce and Not Break”!
Blog by Sarah Putnam
Author: Sarah Rocklitz
Published On: March 10, 2023
In a sea of incredible nonprofits doing amazing work, Spare Key sets ourselves apart with our mission to help families facing real hardship pay real bills in real time. We provide donors with a direct line to families that need their help the most. Because the reality is that even when a devastating medical crisis hits, the bills don’t stop. Read this week’s Help Me Bounce blog by Executive Director Sarah Putnam to learn more about how Spare Key sets ourselves apart with our Help Me Bounce program.
QA Series Requesting Withdrawal
Author: Angela Frazier
Published On: February 24, 2023
Spare Key’s mission has always been to help families facing medical crises so they can focus on the care and recovery of their loved ones facing unimaginable medical crises. As the Help Me Bounce Program Coordinator, Angela Frazier lives and breathes this mission every day as she works with families to answer any questions they may have about their Help me Bounce Campaign. This is why she focuses her Help Me Bounce blog each month to answering common questions families, donors, or even medical professionals may have about our program! One specific area where she works closely with families is when they are ready to make their first withdrawal from Help Me Bounce! Read on to follow the step-by-step process of how Spare Key pays families' bills through the Withdrawal Funds Process.
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