
The Hoyle Family
Author: Sarah Rocklitz
Published On: April 27, 2023
As the full Spare Key team wraps up final details from last Saturday’s Groove Gala, presented by Network Title, Inc., Spare Key’s Executive Director, Sarah Putnam, took some time to reflect on the night. The generosity, the sponsors, the volunteers, the attendees, and the Hoyle Family who was able to share their story and their experience on Help Me Bounce. Read on to hear highlights from another incredible celebration of Spare Key’s important work helping families facing unimaginable medical hardship “Bounce and Not Break”!
Families Giving Back by Alexia Sebesta
Author: Alexia Sebesta
Published On: February 10, 2023
At Spare Key we are privileged to have helped thousands of families in their time of need throughout the past 26 years. The kindness and compassion of these families years after they received assistance is inspiring. Their willingness to give back in whatever way they can is just another reason Spare Key can continue serving families throughout the nation. We appreciate this kindness and generosity more than they could ever know.
Young Family on Help Me Bounce
Author: Talia Simonett
Published On: October 6, 2022
Working for Spare Key is a gift in itself. Director of Events and Corporate Relations, Talia Simonett, loves knowing the work that we do isn’t just a paycheck but it is truly making a difference. When she first started at Spare Key, one of her biggest responsibilities was working with Help Me Bounce families and assisting them through the application process. Little did she know one day she would be assisting one of her own loved ones to create a campaign on the platform. Read more on how a medical crisis can truly affect anyone.
Donors on Help Me Bounce
Author: Sarah Rocklitz
Published On: September 20, 2022
Meeting with families that shared their story on Help Me Bounce is so incredibly inspiring. Hearing these families explain what Help Me Bounce meant to them while they were facing the unimaginable is humbling. We are SO much more than a place to donate. We give families a place to share their story. We give them one centralized location to tell their friends, family, and network what they are facing and where they need help. Further, we give these families a space to be discovered by donors across the nation they don’t personally know who still want to help. These donors are SO incredibly important to families facing the unknown. Read on to hear first-hand how important these donors were to the Peterson Family from Luck, Wisconsin.
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