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Growing Within A Small Team

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Author: Alexia Sebesta on

When you work for a small organization (especially in the nonprofit industry!), wearing multiple hats is just a part of the job. While it can be a challenge at times juggling your day-to-day tasks with events or other team projects, it’s always fun to have something different to look forward to! 

That variety also gives you the unique opportunity to learn all areas of the nonprofit world and grow your skillset in areas you’d never imagine! 

When I first started with Spare Key, I would have never thought that in a few short years I would be handling everything from state registration renewals in all 50 states, to employee benefits, to bookkeeping and the state required annual non-profit audit. Yet this is what I do for Spare Key day in and day out and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Initially when I joined the Spare Key team, I was given a small role in many of the areas mentioned above. From day one I was lucky enough to receive support from external organizations, and as I learned more within each job duty, I would take on more responsibility. I enjoyed the challenge and appreciated the opportunity to learn about other areas of the business.

Today, my role has expanded exponentially. 

The combination of being willing to take on new challenges and having a leader that was open to that evolution has been key to my success.

Given my background in Retail Management, I am no stranger to jumping in, being resourceful, and figuring things out on my own. I have approached each new opportunity with excitement to take on a new challenge and learn something new. However, I also know no one person can know everything. This is where it becomes so incredibly important to have partners to help guide you as you take on new responsibilities.

One concept I learned early on in my career is the importance of recognizing your own strengths and weaknesses and then surrounding yourself with people that round out areas where you are not an expert.

Nowhere does that ring more true than when you work on a small team!

Our team is constantly cultivating partnerships with people outside of our organization who are knowledgeable in areas we do not specialize. It’s their willingness to provide support and guidance that’s invaluable to Spare Key’s continued success.  

At Spare Key we are incredibly lucky to have these kinds of relationships both in companies we have collaborated with, and in members of our Board of Directors.

We have partners in everything from technology to law to accounting and even printing.

These partnerships are essential to Spare Key’s ability to continue to grow and help exponentially more families each year. Without them there is no way this small team would be where we are today serving families all across the nation. 

This support and knowledge directly ensure Spare Key continues our mission of helping families facing unimaginable medical crises “Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Found.” by donors across the country. 

Alexia Sebesta's signature
Alexia Sebesta
Chief Financial Officer