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Photo of the course at Wilds Golf Club in Prior Lake, MN

The Year of Luck

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Author: Talia Simonett on

Former Lend Smart Mortgage employee Mike Lust was diagnosed with Gull Bladder Cancer in January 2007. Through his two years of chemotherapy, radiation, and multiple surgeries, Mike always found a way to stay positive. According to his loved ones, “Despite his challenges, Mike remained positive, even calling himself lucky - lucky to love his job and work with great people, lucky to have friends and family that supported and challenged him, and lucky to have lived a great life!” Learn more about Mike’s story here.

On Thursday, September 15th, 2022, Lend Smart Mortgage is hosting their 13th Annual Mike Lust Charity Golf Tournament presented by Network Title (Cue the Lucky 13th Theme!). They will be celebrating the forever-lasting impact of Mike Lust!

The Mike Lust Charity Golf Tournament sells out every year, months before the actual tournament, with 150 golfers in attendance! Needless to say, this tournament is FULL of fun, sunshine, and raising money for a great cause (if I may say so myself!)!

The day kicks off with a tasty lunch before golfers take over the course for 18 holes of golf, fun, games, and prizes! Not to mention the delicious dinner (where my eyes always seem to think bigger than my stomach!) along with a can’t miss silent auction. But what attendees don’t see is ALL of the hard work behind-the-scenes leading up to the event: Reaching out to sponsors, gathering silent auction and general raffle items, preparing games, organizing volunteers, and so much more! Words cannot express our gratitude for every single person who makes this tournament a success every year.

For me, the Mike Lust Charity Golf Tournament is a reminder to never take life for granted.

Even though I never had the opportunity to meet Mr. Lust himself, it amazes me how his impact has brought an entire community together to support families in a similar situation as he once was.

For the past 6 years, Spare Key has been lucky to be the benefitting charity of the Mike Lust Charity Golf Tournament. Lend Smart Mortgage is a long-term, generous partner of Spare Key, and we are beyond grateful for their continuous support over the years. From employees supporting Spare Key through our Ambassador program to their CEO, Scott Flaherty, being a member of the Spare Key Board of Directors, Lend Smart Mortgage’s dedication furthers our mission each year of helping more families facing a medical crisis “Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Found.” by donors throughout the nation.

Thank you to every company that sponsors the Mike Lust Charity Golf Tournament each year, especially our returning Presenting Sponsor Network Title! We are continuously humbled by your generosity!

Without the support from our donors, partners, volunteers, and sponsors, the work Spare Key accomplishes every year for families facing medical crises would NOT be possible!

Spaces are still available if you are interested in volunteering at this year’s tournament! Spend the day outside in the sunshine hanging with me and the rest of the Spare Key team!

If you have any questions feel free to call me at (651)-829-2554; otherwise, email me at talia@sparekey.org!

Talia Simonett signature
Talia Simonett
Director of Events and Corporate Relations