The Axlund Family
The Axlund Family was facing the unimaginable when their baby boy wanted to join the world too soon. Braven’s mom, Britta, had to stay in the hospital for weeks upon weeks to keep her unborn baby healthy while dad stayed at home over an hour away taking care of their other two boys.
And when baby Braven was born, the unimaginable challenges continued.
With Braven in the NICU working to overcome a variety of health issues, his mom and dad had to balance time with Braven, time with his two brothers, and trying to stay on top of their mounting bills.
When they heard about Help Me Bounce, Britta and Ryan had their doubts. They hadn’t shared their story with a lot of their own friends and family, so they were hesitant to share their journey with strangers. But they decided to fill out the application and see what happens.