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Before You Apply


Help Me Bounce Q&A Series

Authored on
Author: Angela Frazier on

Help Me Bounce platform is a powerful resource for families facing medical crises across the nation. Our goal is to reach more families facing the unimaginable and help relieve the stress and anxiety they feel when coping with a medical crisis. My goal as Help Me Bounce Program Coordinator is to make sure the applicants are ready and able to complete the application process.

It is such a good feeling to participate in the success of a family’s campaign. 

To see donations come in and watch them reach and even surpass their funding goals is a victory I share with the families we serve. I have worked with them, listened to their stories, and know the struggles they are facing. It is the best part of my job, knowing that Spare Key is providing peace of mind for these families and allowing them the time they need to heal and spend with their loved ones.

To provide that comfort and relief to more families, it’s my job to ensure the applicant is set up for success and feels confident throughout the application process. This is why our second installment of the Help Me Bounce Q&A Series covers what you need to know before you start your application! I hope it provides you with the answers you need to prepare for a successful campaign on Help Me Bounce!

What you need to know before you apply for aid:

Q: How long does it take to fill out an application?

A: Less than an hour!

Q: Can I print off a copy and send my answers to you?

A: No, our application is completely online.

Q: What happens when I submit an application?

A: An automated email is sent to the medical professional you listed on your application with a URL link that directs them onto the Help Me Bounce platform. They are then instructed to enter their credentials (i.e., name, institution & medical license information) and verify you are indeed facing a medical crisis. Once they submit their response, we are notified your application is verified and ready to move forward to the approval process.

Q: How will I know if my application was accepted?

A: Applications are approved based on our program guidelines. Once your application has been verified by a medical professional and reviewed by Spare Key, you will receive notification via email.

Q: How soon will I receive financial assistance?

A: We are a crowdfunding non-profit, meaning the money raised is not immediate but rather raised from donors while your campaign is published on Help Me Bounce. And remember: 100% of all donations received go directly to your bills. Spare Key does not send money to individual persons, but the Lender/Servicer of your bills.

Q: Do I need a social worker to verify my application?

A: For the verification request, it does not have to be a ‘social worker’, but a certified medical professional who can provide their license number and is aware of your medical situation. It could be a nurse, physical therapist, oncologist, just to list a few examples. If your primary care provider is telling you they do not have an email address for you to enter, we suggest you use an alternative medical professional that can verify your situation. There is no exception to this requirement- every application is required to be verified by a medical professional by email.

Q: What documentation will I need to apply?

A: BEFORE YOU APPLY, you should have these items accessible and ready to go:

  • A medical professional’s contact information including work email address: Our platform processes the verification from your social worker/medical professional electronically. When you submit your application, an automated message is sent to the social worker/medical professional’s email address you provided. This email includes a link for them to verify your medical crisis. There is no exception to this step. We cannot accept documents from an outside source, including faxes or scanned documents

IMPORTANT: The term ‘Social Worker’ is used throughout the medical field and referenced within Spare Key’s verbiage. The medical professional does not need to be titled ‘Social Worker’ but does need to be a licensed medical professional to verify your application.

  • A profile picture: You are required to upload a photo of yourself or family to represent your campaign.
  • Your funding goal information: Your “funding goals” are the monthly bills you are seeking financial assistance for. You will need to provide the name of the bill’s servicer, monthly cost of each bill and how many months you are seeking assistance. As donations are raised, you make a withdrawal request for those funds to be paid directly to the lender/servicer of the bill. Help Me Bounce will never pay any funds raised directly to an individual, personal credit card or bank account.

Q: Will my information save if I need to come back to finish the application?

A: Yes – there is the option to save your progress and return to the application later. You will need to enter your User ID & Password every time you enter the Help Me Bounce platform. Just click “Sign In” option on the top of the screen.

Q: I don’t want to be shared on social media; can I still apply?

A: Help Me Bounce Family campaigns are shared on Spare Key’s social media platforms. We encourage your family members, friends, and community members to share as well. Spare Key is a crowdfunding non-profit that actively drive donors to the website, and plans events that raise money for families on Help Me Bounce. Sharing your story gives you access to a network of donors that want to help alleviate the financial stress that follows a medical crisis. For more details, please read our Terms of Service.

When you are ready to apply, go to Apply For Aid and complete an application. I hope this information has better prepared you for the success of your Help Me Bounce campaign! If you have any specific questions, as always please contact us at support@helpmebounce.org or call (952) 406-8872.

I look forward to helping you “Bounce, and Not Break!

Angela Frazier's signature
Angela Frazier
Help Me Bounce Program Coordinator