The Willett  Family
$350.00 raised of $5,400.00
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The Willett Family

Izzibella-Marie Willett
Watertown, SD
Birth Defect

Our Story

Izzibella-Marie was diagnosed with a birth defect called disgorge syndrome/ 22q and also found out that she has a cleft palate. She is in the NICU in Sioux Falls SD right now, is on a feeding tube thru her nose and oxygen at 2 liters! She undergoes surgery on Thursday February 15th to have a G-tube put in her stomach so she can eat, and they are also putting a camera down her throat to find out why she is having problems breathing! My wife and I travel to Sioux Falls every weekend to be with our daughter. We also have 4 other boys at home to take care of. I have been out of work since the January 15th 2024 so we can care for our boys and travel to see our daughter in the NICU. The Drs are also needing to do a surgery to fix our daughters cleft palate, and fix the hole in our daughters heart. Both of the surgeries will be in Madison, Wisconsin between now n the time she is a year old!

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