The Tweten Family
Our Story
Travis got sick the Friday after Christmas, starting with a fever, we provided him with Tylenol and motrin to keep the fever under control. Over the course of the weekend he started developing a cough, this later progressed into a deep cough that induced vomiting. We were then starting to have trouble controlling the fever and medicine was required more frequently the recommended dosage.
We brought him to urgent care on Monday but the wait time exceeded 5 hours and with sick people all around they recommended doing an e-visit instead. The Dr. From the e-visit ordered influenza and rsv testing, both of which were negative. We did an at home covid test that was also negative. The Dr. Suspected a virus and said it will likely pass on its own and to have him rest.
A couple days later, now Thursday the following week. He was looking worse and worse. We decided to get a second opinion at another hospital 30 miles away. Upon check in his o2 sat was 85 and they immediately suspected pneumonia, the ordered a chest xray and found his left lung was full of pneumonia and it was spreading into his right lung. They put him on oxygen and started broad antibiotics, we were then transferred to a larger hospital 70 miles away. After many attempts at maintaining o2 stats. We ultimately had to intubate and sedate him. After intubation it was determined that his CO2 levels were rising beyond safe limits, and arranged a life flight to the Children's hospital 200 miles from home.
At the children's hospital he was placed on an ECMO lung bypass machine along with ventilation and numerous iv's. They performed several lung inspections and multiple antibiotics to help with the pneumonia, he is currently on life support while his body fights the infection. For the time being he is stable and were awaiting progress on the infection which may take several weeks to heal. During this time we are staying at the hospital with him and unable to work so we can be by his side.