The Tolbert Family
Our Story
I am a 45 year old disabled woman who will help anyone that I possibly can. I am married to the most wonderful man any woman could ask for now for 20 years. He provides the best he can for our family. Our God Daughter recently moved in with us after she found out she was pregnant. Ava was born on my birthday which was February 24. With my sickness of depression, fibromyalgia, lupus and many other health issues its been hard for us financially. Someone helped us pay our powerbill but the information they gave to us was not their information and well now my family and I are without power at the moment. My husband is trying everything he can to get the power turned back on and it's been 7 hours now since it's been out. My God Son needs his breathing treatment and this infant baby needs power for heat, bottles and such. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated! God Bless!