$0.00 raised of $3,338.00
The Tobias Family
Rebecca Tobias
Oroville, CA
Huntingtons Correa Diease
Our Story
I have Huntingtons Correa Diease, I just turned 37 years old. I have two children Lacie and Larissa. Both teenagers. I lost my husband and and daughter this year, and my brain disease has progressed as well as made it very difficult for me to feel my emotions, I'm struggling trying to make ends meet. I'm trying to be a good mother grieve our family losses, as well as be of good support with and understanding trying to get through this tough time with my daughter's and myself. I love and depend on God , and I have faith every thing will come together. I always worry I'm struggling with bills right now and the holidays coming up I just want to put a smile on my girls beautiful faces, they have many tears this year.