Hi my name is Lisa and I am Jacob’s mama. Anyone that’s know me knows I’ve had a tough journey with carrying children and have lost several pregnancies including losing my baby girl Harper Grace last year at thanksgiving. When I found out I was pregnant with Jacob it was a huge surprise and I knew I was going to do everything I could do to keep him my rainbow baby. I wanted him to brew up and have the best chance at surviving.
I had to make some life changing decisions during my pregnancy as I was a high risk pregnancy and had to follow restrictions. One change was my career as a hotel manager especially how covid has impacted being short staffed in this industry. I think any mom would do what they needed to for their child .
I was 22 weeks pregnant and the doctor said I needed to have a procedure done to keep the baby in as my cervix was not holding up. I had to make some more changes with restrictions but felt thankful to have saved the pregnancy. Everything seem to be going just fine until one night at work I went into labor at 26 weeks pregnant and we could not get the labor stopped and ended up delivering early. Jacob was born a micropremie and has been fighting hard for his life and working on developing correctly. When Jacob arrived I was 26 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Jacob weighed 2 lbs 2 ozs and was
13 1/4 in long. Jacob has been on heavy respiratory support including a ventilator and oxygen and will need it for some time longer.
Jacob has a long medical journey ahead of him especially with his respiratory lung disease, therapy of all sorts, and heart murmur.
Jacob is a huge sweetheart and enjoys when he gets cuddles and doesn’t cry often only when he needs something. Just happy to be here with us and real mellow. He looks forward to his visits and smiles . He is truly a miracle baby. He is a true blessing and brings our family lots of joy.
I am asking for help to keep ahead with medical costs and expenses that go along with having a micropremie Jacob will also need special supplies for when he comes home. I appreciate the support with everything during this time and very grateful!