The Sewell Family
Our Story
My Name is Savannah Rae and I was born on December 27, 2022 at 37 weeks weighing 3lbs 15oz. I came little and I came early because or my struggles in mommy’s tummy. I am referred to as an IUGR (Intrauterine growth restriction) baby.
Savannah only had a 2 vessel umbilical cord, instead of the usual 3, and struggled to get the nutrients she needed to grow. At 29 weeks there were two emergency trips to the hospital to monitor Savannah’s vitals. After determining her struggles, the Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist required 2-3 appointments a week to determine when Savannah needed to be born. We made it to the recommended 37 weeks and then Savannah was born via c-section. The umbilical cord was around her neck 3 times, which was likely a contributing factor to her slow growth during pregnancy.
Because she was less than 4 lbs, she was admitted to the NICU and needed oxygen and a UVC to maintain her blood sugar levels. She has been in the NICU for 2 weeks the only milestone left is eating all of her bottle at every feeding by herself. She currently still has a feeding tube, but once that’s out, we will be able to take her home.
While we have been 4 hours away from home we have had a wonderful support system at home taking care of our other 4 daughters. We have relied heavily on close family and friends and they have been a huge blessing.
Being away from home has put various strains on our family, and we would appreciate any support offered. Thank you for your love and support!
Family Updates

Savannah met the last goal set for her which was to eat all of her food on her own! We were discharged Thursday and made it home by Friday for Chloe’s 2nd birthday. Savannah is adjusting well to home life and her sisters all adore her. We are continuing to closely monitor her food intake and weight gain. We are overwhelmed by the love and support we have received and continue to receive!!