The Rix Family
Our Story
Kaelum was born at what is considered full term but he immediately had issues with his own blood sugar numbers staying high enough, immediately after delivery. The nurses tried several different ways to get his numbers to come up but they were just not wanting to budge. After 3 “bad” blood sugars, Kaelum was taken up to the NICU to be given an iv to help his blood sugars stay where they should be. They eventually had to even raise the meds in the iv because it wasn’t quite enough to make the needed difference. On top of that, Kaelum then developed jaundice, so he has been spending his days under the phototherapy lights, trying to get his bilirubin numbers back down. Poor baby is getting his heels pricked and blood drawn so many times a day, it’s so hard to watch. We know it’s needed but seeing how uncomfortable it makes him is really hard.