I am 58 years old, and for the past 6 years I have been thru test after test, and specialist after specialist With several misdiagnosis until recently I finally found a Doctor to spend time with me and listen to me. Again after more tests and hospital stays, I have been diagnosed with DERMATOMYTOTIS-TIF1-GAMMA POSITIVE thru blood and biopsy testing. Referred to the Mayo Clinic as this a rare autoimmiune disease which there is no cure for. I have Chronic muscle weakening, fatiuge, scalding burning skin infections, Gamma positive means high percentage of a malinacy in my body, I am going thru several cancer screenings. I have also been diagnosed with DVTs both legs, Thyroid disorders, Going thru TEDS eye testing as well. The depression and anxiety is getting the best of me. I struggle with weakness to where I have breathing issues, 31 pounds of inflammation in my body. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!