The Peterson Family
Hannah is a miracle child and has overcome so much in her life already!
Hannah was born a preemie with a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome with a duodenal atresia and heart defect called atrioventricular septal defect. Hannah has spent majority of her life at Children's Minnesota Hospital for numerous surgeries including two heart surgeries, reconstruction throat surgery and currently her spinal fusion surgery.
Early this summer Hannah's left arm was limp and suddenly spread to the rest of her body. An ER visit to Children's Minnesota Hospital to get a sedated MRI, Hannah was diagnosed with atlanto-axial instability. Based on her symptoms, spinal fusion is needed for her skull to C1-C3 vertebras. Unfortunately her surgery didn't go as planned and needs to stretch her neck to not go paralyzed.
This hospital stay has now increased to weeks instead of the original plan of a week. Unfortunately this causes our family a financial hardship with lost income and travel expenses.