The Morell Family

$0.00 raised of $4,519.00
Mortgage/Rent $3,750.00
3 months
Format: 9.99
Insurance - Auto $69.00
Format: 9.99
Utilities – Water $200.00
2 months
Format: 9.99
Medical Bills $240.00
2 months
Format: 9.99
Utilities - Internet $260.00
2 months
Format: 9.99
Add the amounts you would like to contribute to each funding goal before clicking "Donate".
    Robyn Morell
    Rheumatoid Arthritis and lupus, with fibromyalgia with dementia

    Living with fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis has presented significant challenges for me and my family. I am now dealing with dementia and trying to cope with the challenges that the disease presents. My family is very important to me, and they have been so helpful. They have sacrificed a lot to help me deal with these diseases. I must use a wheelchair now to move around, and my husband must help me get into the tub, as well as prepare meals for me. The ongoing medical expenses and the impact of reduced work capacity have added to our stress. Charles, my husband, has been working from home to support me during the day. His dedication in assisting me with everyday tasks, accompanying me to numerous doctor's appointments, and providing the care we need have been crucial to our resilience. He recently lost his job because the contract work was not renewed, and he is now trying hard to find another job while helping me out. Charles is doing gig work and delivery work, but it doesn’t pay the bills like the data entry job did. Recently, our car had some problems with the front-end steering. It’s the CV axle and needed to be replaced. We have the parts and now we must find a mechanic who can tow the car to the shop and work on it. We are behind on rent and are asking for help so we won’t be living in a shelter or on the streets in our car. Now, we are only receiving my disability income until he can find another job or until his student stipend comes in for housing. We need your help to keep us in our home.

    September 30, 2024
    Help my family

    My husband is working very hard to find resources to help us with our past-due rent and to negotiate a payment plan with our landlord. If he won't agree, we'll have to go to court and plead our case. Charles is trying hard to get support from churches, and he has found 3 churches that are willing to help if others will join in. We need to come up with $3700 for rent, or we will be forced out. It would devastate my husband. He works tirelessly to support our family, taking on tough gig jobs and searching daily for a legitimate data entry or work-from-home job. Please help us. I know the country is dealing with terrible hurricane damage, but we just need to get through this. UPDATE: Charles has a job interview at Raytheon! Hopefully, he will get the job, and that will help us catch up for November. Please help us get through this difficult time.