Serenity is a vibrant, tenacious 2 year old. She loves music, she’s always singing, dancing or picking up the mic and doing karaoke. She loves her cousins and ABSOLUTELY thrives being around family.
We came to the ER Tuesday, January 7th with cold-like symptoms which proved to be RSV & Pneumonia. She was put on antibiotics. Two days later we were in Pediatric Intensive Care unit. We later found out that my baby actually had Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) which is resistant to certain antibiotics. They now have her on the correct medications. My baby is fighting. She has a collapsed lung that is working so hard to heal and regenerate. She has 2 chest tube to drain out air and infection in her chest cavity. She is on a ventilator to keep her lungs at rest while she heals. She has had quite a few procedures yet, continues to fight! SHE IS RESILIENT! She is continuing to fight with the strength of our ALMIGHTY GOD!
At this time I physically can’t leave my baby’s side. I need her to know Mommy is here! I need her to know that she is not alone. Her recovery will take weeks and I will be here every day until we make it back home!
Anything you find in your to heart to help us through this time HELPS! May God continue to bless you all for your continued support.
Thank you!