Hello to all.
I had been frightened a long time about unsafe conditions and the odds of whether or not my single-wide mobile home would burn down. The main box was making noises and spitting sounds so I shut off those breakers and ran extension cords for over a year. I'm officially (Mentally) Disabled, 4th stage kidney disease, bone disease, etc. I'll be 65 years old next month, and I'm on a very low fixed income of just over 13,000 a year. The work was done and in the blink of an eye, I owed nearly $5,000. I later found out that the job with any other company would have been about $2,000. I was just so tired of being afraid, I would have (and did) signed just about anything to get it fixed. One outlet after another was dying. I always pay my bills, but this is overwhelming and scary. Any help would be greatly appreciated,
I DID try government agencies, Elder Affairs, etc., etc. and I got nowhere with that. I'm fortunate to have a home at all. Thank you for your consideration. Linda