The Kiernan Family
Our Story
John had his 5th back surgery on April 5th he has had 3 surgeries on his back in the last 6 years, he had a spinal fusion of the L2-L5 prior to surgery he was admitted to Abbott hospital for two weeks due to uncontrolled pain that could not be controlled with oral medication at home. Spine surgery is very complex and the recovery period can take months up to a year. A full recovery of his back may not be possible, and another spinal fusion is in the future and his spine has degeneration. Also 4 years ago almost to the date of his back surgery he was in the hospital for flesh eating disease. this happens to 1 in 20,000 people. the recovery from this was a little over 6 months and his wife was off work to take care of him and being self employed his income stopped.
Because he was unable to bend or twist his wife Nicole who is a nurse had to take FMLA and take care of his everyday activities of living. This includes dressing, bathing, grooming, helping with bathroom needs,driving to medical appointments. Anything that would cause him to bend or twist. As a result of the two weeks prior hospitalization her 6 weeks of FMLA were unpaid, as we all know bills do not stop, and costs of living do not stop. John is self employed and doesn't have sick time, if he does work there is no paycheck. Just when NIcole was going to go back to work they both came down with COVID so another week with no pay.
Looking for donations that can help get the family caught up and back on their feet. Get the bills paid and make sure this unfortunate situation doesn't bring more financial hardship. Thank you for reading Johns story.