The Hoyle Family
Our Story
Our sweet girl, Chloe, was born the summer of 2018 with multiple anomalies including; a cleft lip, small stomach, small nasal passage and jaw, agenesis of the corpus colloseum, hearing loss, and an irregular optic nerve shape. In the Spring of 2019 she was diagnosed with Bohring-Opitz Syndrome (BOS). BOS is a diagnosis that has been given to less than 250 individuals worldwide. It effects the ASXL1 gene and it effects one's growth, development, and various organ-systems. For Chloe, BOS means low muscle tone, contracture of her extremities, epilepsy, hearing and vision impairment, non-verbal, central apnea, feeding difficulty, airway anomalies and more. Today she has a trach, is on a ventilator 24/7 and receives all feeds through a gastrostomy tube, has various types of seizures with her epilepsy and has obstructive apnea. She also wears a Baha hearing aid, and glasses when she can tolerate them. Despite all of her extra "accessories" she is a happy Daddy's girl, loves laughing with mom, and enjoys when her brothers and sister give her hugs or tell her jokes and stories.
With the exception of about 4 months, Joshua has stayed home since Chloe's birth in order to help care for her and take the lead on her medical care. This has been a huge financial loss for us and has led to an insurmountable pile of medical debt stemming from our months in the PICU. In order to move forward with providing for Chloe and the boys, we need help. So friends and family and even complete strangers, it is with very humble hearts that we ask you for your help now. Anything that you can give is greatly appreciated and will go such a long way to help us stay afloat; providing for our family and meeting our needs! We love and appreciate you all and thank God for the new friendships we've made along our journey. Thank you so much for all of the love and support!
Family Updates

Hi, Friends!
First, thank you for your continued help and support; mentally, physically and financially. It does take a village and we are happy to have you on our “crew”…Chloe’s Crew. As I write this update, our two youngest are learning to share (unwillingly, lol), older brother is in school, Dad is helping to answer questions from another special needs family (he LOVES to help!), and Chloe is resting. If our experience has taught us anything, it's to share what we have learned to help others in similar situations. Playing a bit of catchup on updates; Josh and I are still caring for Chloe 24/7, without nursing in the house due to COVID and “respiratory season” upon us. This situation still isn’t without its challenges - deep, rejuvenating sleep being one of them and the never ending stress even while sleeping. We are constantly asking ourselves, “Is Chloe breathing?”, “Is she having a seizure?”, “Is she ok?” Not to mention, the question of where will we find financial stability next? We know God always provides, but not foreseeing how that provision will happen can sometimes be worrisome. Those are the kinds of questions that lead to our underlying stress on a daily basis. Thankfully, most families never have to experience these things or have to ask themselves those questions even once in a lifetime, but to us, those thoughts and questions remain such common topics on repeat. We are still finding ourselves bobbing through financial waters, but believe that this year will be a year of transformation, not just for us, but for others too.
We have been very fortunate and have all remained healthy and out of the hospital (other than regular check ups and specialty screenings for Chloe). It’s a relief to see that the extra lengths to keep everyone safe and healthy are paying off. Sometimes it can feel as though we are being overly cautious or cleaning everything unnecessarily, but it’s working! We also feel everyones prayers and those help tremendously as well. Although Chloe remains healthy, her body continues to have seizures on a daily basis. It is something we are in constant communication about with her neurology team, but it is a difficult thing to treat. Different parts of the brain require different medicines, and it’s not always the same parts of the brain that are having the seizure activity. Her seizures can also hinder her memory or capability to do certain things. Most days we "wake up" Chloe's brain and help her remember that she has the ability to move her arms and legs. We do this by stretching and moving her arms and legs; dancing, wiggling, or tickling, to remind her of what she can do. We hope to have her seizures more under control this year and believe it will happen!
Just over Christmas, we were able to get out as a family to Spare Key's, Cookie's with Santa event, to see Santa, something our two youngest have not had the chance to experience. It was an extremely memorable moment for us all and thought I would share it with you, here. From our family to yours, thank you so much for your thoughts, prayers, help; physical, mental, financial, we appreciate you all so very much. If we could give you a hug, we would (we’re big huggers!)! Thank you!
P.S. For daily updates on Chloe and Family find us @heartsandbow on FB or #heartsandbow on IG.