The Holappa Family

Big Lake, MN
$0.00 raised of $11,277.50
Mortgage/Rent $9,312.50
5 months
Format: 9.99
Utilities – Electric $540.00
3 months
Format: 9.99
Utilities – Gas $300.00
2 months
Format: 9.99
Utilities - Phone $1,125.00
3 months
Format: 9.99
Add the amounts you would like to contribute to each funding goal before clicking "Donate".
    Georgia Holappa
    Premature Birth

    On January 15th 2023 our youngest passed away at 100 days old from suids which was very hard for our family to process causing me(mom) to close my home daycare and try helping our 4 other kids. On march 8th our 4yr old was out jumping on the trampoline and somehow ended up fracturing her arm then on may 28th she also got 2nd degree burns from a gas lantern while camping with her dad causing daycare/school to come to an end for 5 weeks meaning I'm still unable to work. Dan(dad) is a concrete laborer and gets laid off during the winter. As he started work in late may he had just got upto normal weekly hrs and was sent out of town for work on july 19th.

    On his way home someone decided to break for a cat on 94 going about 80mph. Instead of hitting anyone else he took the center median causing his truck to jump the median and slam down to a stop on the ropes in the center. Totalling his truck and fracturing his spine, now he is out of work due to his injury. Our 14yr old son was then hit by a car a week later while in the crosswalk on hwy 10 in big lake thankfully nothing happened except his pedal bike is totalled. Then as we're struggling to do back to school shopping my water broke at 34wks and 1 day gestation. My due date was October 7th. Our baby was born aug. 27th 2024. she is in the nicu until her due date and the hospital is a half hr each way.

    We need help with all the bills and payments piling up as hard as it is to ask for help I have exhausted myself trying to find help so we're trying here. Our mortgage is 12k behind(4mo) and almost all utility bills are over 600.. we're struggling and trying to keep the 4 kids we have plus the baby all happy and taken care of is drowning us financially. We appreciate any help given and would love to pay it forward when we get the chance. Thank you.

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