One moment I was a fine, healthy and happy 44 year old mother of 3 boys and wife. I am a full time Criminal Trial Paralegal for the City of Minneapolis. I love my job and miss working. The next minute my body (feet, ankles legs and abdomen) were extremely swollen and bloated beyond belief and I finally collapsed to the floor and got rushed to the ER.
I have undergone so many procedures and tests at 3 different hospitals and multiple clinics. I was just recently discharged after 3 weeks at M Health Fairview U of M. Now again, just last week I was admitted to the hospital for another blood transfusion. My hemoglobin was extremely low again. I am anemic as well as in kidney failure and have liver disease. I am in need of a liver transplant now. Now I have to do in-home physical therapy as well as kidney dialysis 3 times a week. At this point I am unable to work and am on leave from work. I have already used my vacation and sick time. My husband also has not been able to work because he is my 24/7 care taker.
Sadly, we have very quickly been through our savings and are falling behind in rent and other necessary bills. This program would help us so much to get caught up and bring our rent into a current status We would be lucky, blessed and thankful to receive your help.
Thank you for your consideration!
Jennifer Guzman