The Gouzoules Family

Kenosha, WI
$3,390.00 raised of $8,400.00
Mortgage/Rent $8,400.00
7 months
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    Elisa Gouzoules
    Premature Birth

    Elisa was born 7/7/24. Weight 1.9 lbs and 12 inches. She was a premature birth at 24 weeks and she will be continuing to stay at the NICU until around her birth due date 10/21/24. As a single mom of 2 girls, I have been on my medical leave with high risk pregnancy since June 25, 2024 and continuing to be on a medical leave after Elisa birth. With the unfortunate circumstances, I recently started working at a job for 2 and half months before I went on my leave and have not received any pay or benefits being a new employee. It has been a very tough financial leave for me to pay rent, and other outstanding bills without an income. I don't know when I will be able to go back to work full time or when I have to go on take home leave when premature baby comes home.  Elisa's health comes first as well as my own. It is difficult to weigh everything out on my own with two daughters. I have thankfully had prayers and support from my fiance, his family, my family and friends. Please, consider helping our small little family. 

    September 9, 2024

    As we reach 2 months. We are looking at lots of O's says the nurse. She was at 27% oxygen - 31% over night. They have put her on a CPAP today to see how she does. Feeds up to 40 ml to help her grow. She is 4 lbs and 14 ounces. She is still recovering from chronic lungs disease but continuing to grow she can grow out of it. She is started showing signs of stage 1 in right eye and stage 2 in left eye for Retinopathy of Prematurity Disease. Today, her eyes look better from last week and the eye doctor will continue to look at her eyes each week. God is good and she continues to be stronger each day. Praying for no set backs for brain, heart, lungs, and feeding. Thank you for all your help and prayers. 

    July 26, 2024
    Elisa today's update

    This morning was a hard morning. We have been coming in and seeing her kick and move around. I walked in and noticed her arm was limp by her face and wondered what happened to Elisa? 😭. The nurse and doctor informed me they had to sediate her with precedex .5 mics and still on 4 mics of fentanyl, all based on her weight. She gained 40 grams. 2 lbs. 45 ounces. The sedation she is getting is because yesterday she was angry and was fighting the new ventilator. The doctor and nurses were shocked that she was still moving her arms and legs and eyes under the sedation. We were told she was not supposed to be doing that. Elisa is starting to sound like her mom is fighting and being stubborn. The nurse teasingly said Elisa is being naughty and moving around when she's not supposed to. This morning she was at 100% oxygen and she went down to 40% oxygen. Elisa is finally able to work with the ventilator and not fight. She is still at 8 mL milk. Tomorrow she will be able to take a bath now that she is finally at the oxygen she needs to be at. Thank you God! Also, she had an echo done this morning. The doctor said the PDA artery has almost closed and her pulmonary pressure was lower. So the echo went well. Some good things and some hard things. Keep being feisty and a mighty little one, so we can some day bring you home.

    July 25, 2024
    Elisa's morning update.

    Update: Elisa, was on 70 and 80 oxygen levels during the night. Her heart rate dropped 13 times during the night. The nurse had to do her care time early while they transferred her to the other ventilator she was on before. She was put back on her other ventilator, the oscillator at 100% oxygen. She is now on fentanyl 4 mcg. The doctor should be scheduling an echo today since yesterday didn't work. She is being kept at 6 ml for milk. So she had a rough night having a hard time keeping up on her oxygen levels. Hard to hear. The doctor is waiting for the steroids to help her stabilize on her own oxygen so they can slowly ween her off the ventilation, which the doctor really wants her off of because it could cause cerbrail-phalsy. Thank you for your continued prayers.