The Gillund Family
Our daughter Sophie Mae was born by emergency C section on 4/3/18. She suffered significant blood loss which caused her to stop moving. She was moved to the U of M Masonic Children's Hospital's NICU. We discovered through a MRI that her brain suffered significant loss of blood. Only her brain stem was allowing the basic functions such as breathing and eating. As Sophie grew up she wouldn't be able to breathe and eat on her own, assistance through a feeding & breathing tube would be necessary. This wasn't the life that we wanted for our daughter. It was with the greatest heartache that we decided to remove Sophie's medical nutrition on 4/9. She passed away peacefully in her mothers arms on 5/3. Through her short month on this earth we were able to get a glimpse of what parenthood will be like for us. Sophie was able to meet many family & friends which we thank God for. We know that Sophie is in heaven fully healed and that we will get to meet her again someday. The Gillunds.