The Gacke Family

Sioux Falls, SD
$0.00 raised of $1,057.00
Mortgage/Rent $1,057.00
1 months
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    Baraccus Gacke
    developmental hip dysplasia, additional medical complexity noted below

    Shortly after birth, the doctors noticed that Baraccus’s left hip was not in the socket. After two failed surgeries on the hip when he was less than a year old, we decided to wait and see what his body did before trying again. As time went by, we noticed his left leg falling farther and farther behind in length from his right. For the last 7 years, we have been closely monitoring his hip and mitigating the leg length discrepancy with shoes lifts. This last year, our doctor went to a conference and brought Baraccus’s case to his colleagues. Dr Shannon looked at the information and felt she could help. In June of 2024, we started our research on how to shut down mom's in home daycare for three weeks, have dad take off the same amount of time from a new position he started less than a year ago and find care for his two other brothers that would have to stay home. This all had to be done so that we could travel from South Dakota to Florida so that Baraccus could have his hip surgery at a specialty clinic. We are very blessed to have had this procedure done and excited to see how it will enhance Baraccus’s quality of life going forward. 

    Baraccus is an 8 year old male. His complex medical history includes triplet birth, birth of prematurity, tracheomalacia, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, subglottic stenosis, tracheostomy status post decannulation, prior vent dependence, moderate persistant asthma, chronic respiratory failure, Von Willebrand disease type 1, variant 15q13.3 chromasomal deletion, global developmental delay, anxiety, ADHD, balanoposthitis, redundant prepuce post circumcision, developmental hip dysplasia (left) status post surgery, left hip dislocation with limb length discrepancy, feeding difficulties status post gastrostomy tube (no Nissen), gastroesophageal reflux, patent ductus arteriosis (PDA) now closed, resolved intraventricular hemorrhage grade I, chronic sinusitis and rhinitis, left unilateral vocal cord paralysis with hoarseness, iatrogenic adrenal insufficiency, resolved premature pubarche, history of frequent respiratory exacerbations requiring exogenous glucocorticosteroids, esotropia.



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