The Ferrazzo Family

Lexington , MN
$0.00 raised of $2,800.00
    Leo Ferrazzo
    Intestinal Hematoma/Death

    On 6/7/22 our son Leo had a routine endoscopy for his eosinophilic esophagitis. Leo was admitted to the hospital that same night due to complications which caused a large hematoma in his small intestine. Leo was unable to eat or drink anything during this time due to the hematoma fully blocking the intestine. Because no food or liquid could pass, he had a suction tube through the nose to the stomach to keep him from throwing up and a PICC Line inserted to get some nutrition to his body.

    We were told that the hematoma would slowly heal and we should be back home once he could eat and drink. Time to heal was all they said he needed. However, late night on 6/14/22 Leo unexpectedly went into anaphylaxis and passed away early in the morning on 6/15/2022

    My husband and I are both out of work with an unknown return to work date. We have 3 additional sons at home ages 7,8, and 14 as well. We are devastated at the loss of our baby and the stress of continuing bills on top of grief is difficult. Any help is appreciated, Thank you. 


    Megan Ferrazzo. 

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