The Feil Family
Our Story
We are the Feil Family. My husband, Tyler, is a farmer/rancher out on our family farm. Myself, Amy, I work as an LPN at our local hospital here in Ashley, ND. We have a son, Samuel, who is going to be 2 in December. And now we have our other son, Theodore that was born prematurely due to some scary circumstances. Theodore was not due until November 2nd, but ended up blessing us with his presence on October 2nd. On September 30 I woke up in the morning just not feeling well. My hospital was doing employee COVID testing that day and went in not thinking anything of it. My boss called me a few minutes later saying that I was positive with COVID. Being pregnant I immediately worried about what is going to happen and was very scared and went in to my OB and had a non-stress test done just to make sure everything was okay. Turned out baby's heart rate was high because I had a fever. Well once that was controlled and baby's heart rate was controlled they sent me home. Two days later, October 2nd, I just felt something was wrong. I still was not feeling the best from COVID and I noticed a decrease in fetal movement. I called my OB and asked if I could come in because something just isn't right. So I went in to the hospital and they put monitors on me and noticed baby's heart rate was doing some strange things like either going really high or dropping low at times. I was also having an on and off fever still. After a few hours of monitoring the baby and his heart rate on the monitor they decided to do blood work on me to see if something else was going on. Well it turns out my platelets were extremely low and my liver enzymes were extremely high. This turned out to be something very scary that I and my family will never forget. I developed HELLP syndrome which is worse thing that a pregnant woman can get and can be extremely fatal for mom and baby. They rushed me back for an emergency c-section and for 2 hours could not stop my bleeding after baby was out. They ended up giving me some blood transfusions and I woke up. I was in extreme pain for a couple days but managed. Since I had COVID and my husband also got COVID we were not able to see our baby, Theodore, for 8 days. This was extremely hard for me because I felt like my baby was taken from me. Theodore was taken up to the NICU where he had a lung infection and was having a hard time breathing in which they ended up intubating him. He was 35 weeks and 4 days born prematurely. He was fed through a feeding tube for 2 weeks. Theodore was able to come home with us on October 17 and we have been extremely happy as a new family of 4. This whole experience was very scary for us and since I had to stop working a month early I lost that income for the month and my husband with the drought this year farmers/ranchers have been struggling. He also was not able to combine our soybean crop or work since he stayed with me to help me recover, and coming with me to see our newborn son in the NICU. We would greatly appreciate any sort of assistance during this difficult time for our family.
Family Updates
Our family has been healthy since we have all been home! Although with all the farm work we got behind on we are making it work! With the support of our friends and family it has been a fantastic journey with two kids at home. Thank you to everyone who has been thinking of us and praying for us.

We have all been home together since October 17th and all adjusting well. Big brother has been sometimes getting jealous of little Theodore but will also sometimes come up and pet Theodore and give him kisses. Theodore now weighs a little over 7lbs and brings us so much joy. We are all so happy to be home together for the past almost couple weeks. Adjusting has been hard but we are making it through.