This is a page for my 6 week old baby Logan. He is a twin to his brother Lucas and the baby brother to 3 older brothers. 5 year old twins, and a 2 year old. Logan has had a really hard start to his life - catching RSV, H-flu and pneumonia in his second week of his life, and has been in the hospital more than he has been home with his family. The illnesses hit him extremely hard. He had respiratory failure twice in his second week of his hospital stay. His lungs couldn't keep up breathing on his own. His breaths started becoming so shallow they weren't able to get the built up CO² exhaled. He had to be sedated and intubated with a breathing tube put down his throat into his lungs for 8 days. For 8 days his father and I couldn't hold or kiss our baby, and we couldn't talk to or touch him too much because if he got over stimulated he had to get more drugs put into his IV to sedate him more. His breathing tube is out finally, and he is recovering from his RSV - however now his body is trying to recover from the impact his sedatives had on him. He was on Fetynal, Versed and now Valium, so he is going through withdrawals from the prolonged drug use. It is so hard seeing Logan going through this. He rarely rarely cries anymore. It seems like he is used to being in pain - being sick more than he's been a healthy happy baby. I have been in the hospital with him and his twin brother through this whole process and his dad has been home with his older 3 brothers. We just want our family together. It has been so hard with us all being broken up. If we get any money donated towards our mortgage, we would be so very thankful because that means I will get to stay at the hospital with the babies and their dad can stay with our older boys. It would give them more stability so they don't have to bounce around from babysitter to babysitter and I can continue trying to be a comfort to my baby and get to stay at the hospital with him.