The Ellingson Family

W St. Paul, MN
$120.00 raised of $3,080.00
Mortgage/Rent $3,080.00
2 months
    Katrina Ellingson
    Work Injury

    I have an injury from 5/29/23 and was denied workers comp. I will be having hip surgery to repair a labral tear on 4/11. It will be 4 to 6 weeks recovery and I have no PTO. I am a single Mom with a 19 yr old son who lost his father and does not currently work. I need help! I'm beyond scared on how I am going to manage being out of work, but I can't take this pain any longer so surgery is the only option. I'm afraid the stress and exasperation of my depression and anxiety is going to hinder my recovery. I just need piece of mind going into this.

    May 3, 2024
    Recovering From Surgery

    Hello all! Thanks to everyone who already donated in some way. Surgery on 4/24 went well and I am recovering well, but still have a long road ahead before I can return to work. All donations made to this page will be directly paid to my landlord in its entirety, as they do not keep a percentage, and put towards my June rent, which is my next obstacle. 

    I read this, and thought it worthy to share...............

    Sometimes we avoid asking for help out of fear that it will be a burden to others. We think, I don’t want to drag someone else down with my pain. It’s not fair for me to ask someone else to carry this weight. This thinking also forgets the way God has created us as a body of believers.

    God wants us to help each other in times of struggle and sin. Scripture commands it: “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). When you ask someone else to help you bear a burden, you are giving them an opportunity to serve God and share Christ’s love with you.

    God designed the body of believers to work together and help one another – not to function as isolated individuals. By asking for help, we are honoring God’s purpose in gifting us differently and honoring each other by encouraging the use of these gifts – and this is far from placing an unfair burden on someone else.

    Take freedom in this: God has designed us to need help, and we honor him in asking for it.