Shiloh Cornett
Polymicrogyria, epilepsy, neuroblastoma, tracheobronchomalacia, hypospadias, clubbed feet, genetic disorder
Shiloh was born on 6/18/19 in Campbellsville,KY. He receives care from several doctors at Norton Children’s Hospital in Louisville, KY. Dad works full time and mom stays home with Shiloh and his 2 sisters (Harper (2) and Story (6 wks.) Shiloh is often hospitalized and finding someone to watch his sisters proved difficult. Dad often has to take off work fordoctor’s appointments, hospitalizations, and flare ups. On average, appointments are 3 times weekly. The drive to Louisville and back totals over 3 hours. Shiloh requires constant care and many supplies that mom & dad have to purchase out of pocket. September’s mortgage remains unpaid and we will not be able to pay it without help.