The Clay Family
Our Story
Hello! My name is Bethany.
I am currently preparing for surgery that is scheduled for February 16th. The procedure will be to help fix a 4month old Lisfranc injury on my left foot. Let me fill you in. This last year, I parted ways in April 2022 with a very toxic workplace, and was able to accept unemployment as I figured out how I wanted to proceed. I had been working in Mental Health, and this past employer created utter burnout, and I needed to think. My family went through a huge trauma in June 2022, so that threw off me returning to work full-time. I have done contract cleaning for 11 years as my 'side hustle' and I began working with my best friend to begin a commercial cleaning business in August. Fast forward to October 2022. My business partner and I were ready to get our LLC and get moving! However, on October 15th, 2022, I was leaving my daughter's apartment complex, and fell down the last 3-4 steps of her exterior stairwell. It was dark, not well lit, and the stairs are wobbly.
I went to the ER the next morning, and was told that I had no broken bones, but I needed to wear a boot for a few days. I proceeded to return back to the ER for more times from October 2022-January 2023. They did more ex-rays: I had a 4th metatarsal broken on one foot and a 2nd metatarsal broken on the other foot, and a possible knee fracture, which resulted in me wearing two cam boots for a period of time. Then there was a possible ankle fracture. After months of trying to figure out how to get into Ortho, as I only had concierge health coverage, I was able to see Ortho at the beginning of this month. I was told that I had a lisfranc injury and dislocation of my left foot, and that I needed surgery within 30 days. I was/am terrified!
I had already had to let 1 contract cleaning go, and then had to let 2 more contracts go due to being in so much pain (I am still wearing one cam boot). This surgery is going to entail a lot. The official procedure is as follows: 'left foot arthrodesis of 1st, 2nd, and possibly 3rd tarsometatarsal joints with open reduction of lisfranc dislocations.' They will fuse my first 2-3 metatarsals together, as well as had permanent screws and staples. This will cause 8 weeks of no weight bearing and elevation and ice 50 min out of every hour. It can take up to a year for recovery, along with life long chronic pain and arthritis. This has been a long, frustrating and painful time since October, as well as draining both mentally and emotionally.
So, with that being said, my income will drop down to $0 for 8 weeks. I am going to start to do online contract work (due to injury, new line of work!), but I have to get through this surgery and post-surgery, and as I said, I am terrified. I have worked 6 days a week, sometimes 7, for the past 11 years so this is new to me, and I am trying to make the absolute best of it by figuring out the best way to earn income from here on out. I just need to get past this surgery and forge ahead. So, with great humility, and pride set aside, I am asking for help for those rough 8 weeks. That will allow me to study and train as I am able to for online contracting, as well as heal. I appreciate the opportunity to get help while I am getting back to my old self!