The Christiansen Family

Lennox, SD
$2,385.00 raised of $7,518.00
Utilities – Electric $450.00
6 months
Format: 9.99
Utilities – Gas $210.00
6 months
Format: 9.99
Utilities – Water $450.00
6 months
Format: 9.99
Utilities - Internet $408.00
6 months
Format: 9.99
Medical Bills $6,000.00
6 months
Format: 9.99
Add the amounts you would like to contribute to each funding goal before clicking "Donate".
    Case Christiansen
    Premature Birth

    Hello there! My name is Case and I was born on May 14, 2024 at just 25 weeks gestation by emergency c-section. I weighed 1 pound 11 ounces and was only 12 inches long. Everyone says I’m tiny but strong. In my 4 short weeks of life I’ve been on 2 helicopter rides, I’ve had 3 surgeries, and my doctors are watching a brain bleed. I will need another surgery once I reach 5 pounds. I’m still on a ventilator and will be for a while. My NICU stay will be several months long but I’m getting stronger every day. Thank you for visiting my page, please check back for updates. 

    July 13, 2024
    July 13

    Hi everyone,

    I’m almost 2 months old! The past two weeks have been busy! I got extubated and i’m now on nasal cannula for oxygen. I will continue to be on steroids for several months to help support the growth and development of my lungs. I have several brady spells every day where my heart rate drops but the doctors are hopeful that these will lessen as I grow. 

    I’m back to getting my feeds thru my ng tube and it’s going well. Because I received my nutrition thru iv for so long my direct bilirubin is very high. My doctors continue to monitor and treat this with medications. My weight gain has been an issue this week. I have to maintain my own body temperature which has been hard. I wear a long sleeved onsie, a footie sleeper, a little hat, and then a fleece swaddle sac. My intestine complications make it hard for me to digest all my milk so my doctors continue to monitor this as well. 

    This week mommy went back to work. This is very hard on her. Being away from each other all day is hard on us both. We will get lots of cuddles this weekend because my doctors have approved me to start oral stimulation. I was a rockstar at my first attempt to nurse. The doctors told mommy this will be a month long process if not longer but we have to start somewhere. 

    Thank you for visiting my page for an update. Please keep mommy and I in your prayers. -Love Case 

    June 23, 2024

    June 23, 2024

    Welcome back! Since my mom made my page I’ve taken another flight. This time from Children’s of Nebraska back home to Sioux Falls. My surgery to fix my PDA went very well in Nebraska. 

    Unfortunately, this week we’ve had another setback. My doctors are watching me for something called NEC. I’m on antibiotics and won’t be able to have milk for 7 days. Please keep me in your prayers.

    We want to thank each of you for your donations. Your generosity has made my mommy cry and each dollar is truly a blessing. We are so thankful! 

    -Love, Case