The Brandt Family
When my mommy was 22 weeks pregnant she was put in the hospital for surgery because I was trying to come way to early. She was already 2 cm. She was able to keep me in her belly a little longer after surgery but I still came early then the surgeon was planning. I was born at 33 weeks and 3 days. 6 1/2 weeks early. I was 4 lbs and 10 ounces. I was immediately admitted to the NICU. I turned 3 weeks old already in the hospital and am still here. Mommy was discharged at two days and her and Daddy keep traveling back and forth to the hospital to see me and feed me and try to do as much of my cares as they were allowed by medical staff. I got my first tub bath in the hospital even. We are all hoping I can go home soon and we can more of my first moments at home instead of in the hospital. Mommy and Daddy are doing everything they can to make sure I come home safe and healthy no matter the cost or how tired they are getting. I know they must love me so much and they tell me every time they see me.