We have finally got to go home but definitely a long road ahead of us & many more hospital visits. He has a condition called P(pyridoxine) D(dependent) E(epilepsy) for short PDE! It’s pretty rare but treatable! He’s on 4 different medicines now (was 5) & has to have a special diet. Once he gets bigger and eats more food foods it will be more of a vegetarian diet with very little proteins. Definitely going to be a long road for little man and us too but his fight is our fight! He has purked up so much & definitely feels a lot better. If you would have asked me on Mother’s Day I would have told you I didn’t think he was going to make it but he’s a fighter. With dad being out of work for almost two weeks & mom not working right now so Declan can be watched 24/7 times are hard & moneys tight. Anything helps & is greatly appreciated! TIA! ~Declan & family❤️