The Bettenhausen Family
Christian (CJ) was born at 28 weeks weighing 2 lbs 1 oz. He had a long and difficult 3.5 month NICU stay that had many ups and down. He now has several medical issues due to his extreme prematurity including lung issues, a heart defect, eye problems and stomach issues. He’s had countless surgeries and appointments with specialist. We’ve had to travel long distances to see specialists that can care for him properly, including Minneapolis MN and Omaha Nebraska. Over the summer, CJ became a big brother to a baby sister, but shortly before baby sister was born, CJ’s dad had a work related accident and had to have surgery that required him to miss a lot of work. The loss of income really affected our family financial. Between missing work to take CJ to appointments in different states and neither parent working due to medical leave, we’ve been struggling to keep up on our bills. Any help we can get would be GREATLY appreciated!!