Devyn Arnold
Premature Birth
Devyn was born at 28 weeks. Her due date was June 25th, but she was born April 8 2024 . Devyn was under a pound and has lung chronic disease. She’s been placed on a trach because of her lung keeps collapsing on one side, and she has an eating tube. Devyn was born at 28 weeks because of my high blood pressure, and had preeclampsia. Devyn wasn't able to get enough nutrients and wasn’t gaining enough weight, so I was rushed into an emergency c-section. Devyn has been in the NICU since birth, and remains there on a breathing machine. I haven’t been able to work my whole pregnancy being high risk and spending most of my time and days at the NICU and taken care of my 7 year old daughter. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.