The Bassett Family
Our Story
Bob and Katie are wonderful giving people and parents of three children. Bob has been recovering from a full knee replacement since December 7th and was finally cleared to go back to work on March 4th. Last week his wife Katie was admitted thru the ER in Princeton, with a high fever and severe stomach pain. She was transferred to the U of M on Friday last week. She has emergency surgery on Sunday for a perforated bowel. This surgery left her with an open wound due to infection risk as well as removal of major organs. They have exhausted their savings and have mounting medical bills as well as gas bills due to traveling down from Princeton to the U of M daily. They never ask for help but are always there for others. I am Bobs mom and I am asking for your help on their behalf. They have 3 children that miss their mom and desperately want her home. Prayers she will recover soon
Family Updates
We received some bad news last week. Katie will need more surgery to remove the balance of her colon and more large intestine. She is at high risk of infection so please keep her and her family in your prayers. They are experiencing a huge stain on funds due to these medical issues. Your continued support is appreciated! Crones disease is so evil. Thanks to everyone who has helped so far.