The Hopp Family
$13,860.00 raised of $500,000.00
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The Hopp Family

Daniel Hopp
Mohave Valley, AZ
2nd and 3rd Degree Burns

Our Story

Dan fell on June 5th in Needles, CA.  Because of his MS, he was unable to get back up for over 20 minutes.  During this time, he was on very hot sand that was about 140 degrees.  He came away with 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his upper leg and buttocks.  After several visits to Urgent Care, he was transported to one of the very best burn units in the country located in Las Vegas.  The burns were infected, and skin needed to be grafted on the area.  There were many operations and the use of a wound vac to remove the infections.  All of this was very painful, and he was on strong meds.  After 78 days in the hospital, he was released and though he continues to get better every day he will have to make numerous 6 hour round trips for more procedures and checkups in the next few months.  Not only was this a tough time physically, but the hospital costs are expected to exceed $500,000.  Any help is greatly appreciated!

Family Updates

Update On Dan's Recovery

Dan has gone in for his one-month follow-up with the doctor in Las Vegas.  The doctor was very pleased at how well he's healed in the last 30 days.  There is still one very small spot that hasn't healed completely but that's better than expected.  Dan's legs are still weak from the inactivity during the 78 days in the hospital but that, too, is getting better.  He's on PT several times a week and is working hard to get back to where he was before this happened.  The Hopp family want to thank all who have donated and who have taken an interest in Dan's recovery.  

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