The Connors Family
Our Story
I'm a 62 year old US Navy Submarine veteran (12 years) and a disabled Firefighter/Engineer/Hazmat. I suffered a right hip injury ending with a total hip replacement ending my firefighting career. I am now suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis. It is chronic, and have been suffering for over 15 years. But was only diagnosed with RA since 2008. The medication I'm taking, Methotexate , Xeljanz, and Tramadol which causes my immune system to be very low has resulted me getting diagnosed with Covid-19 twice, back in January 2022 and just 4 weeks ago. I'm on SSDI for our only income. My wife , who is 60 years old, and I have been properly immunized with all the Covid-19 shots I can get even before I came down with Covid. My wife isn't able to work due to her cancer, Neuroendocrine Carcinoma. She also has several autoimmune diseases. But unfortunately because she was a homemaker raising our children and then helping with our granddaughter she never worked, so isn't eligible for Disability. She has also come down with Covid-19. Because I'm on a fixed income, this recession, high gas prices and other cost is really hurting us. Our rent just went up $75 starting this July. Our rent has gone up four times in the last five years. We got behind on the rent due to my wife's mother passing away and my wife had to fly to Maine for 5 days to attend the funeral. All we are asking is enough to get ahead to avoid EVICTION.