
Sarah Rocklitz Headshot
Sarah Rocklitz
Executive Director

Sarah Rocklitz began her career with Spare Key in 2019 as Chief Marketing Officer. In 2022, she took over as Executive Director. Her background centers around marketing, branding, management, sales, and customer service. Her expertise shines when focusing on clarity and consistency with a company’s visual strategy and content plan. She has found her passion working with Spare Key and Help Me Bounce giving donors a direct line to help families facing unimaginable medical crises. Outside of work, Sarah lives in South Minneapolis with her husband and their Springer Spaniel rescue, Trixie Mae. She loves spending time outside during Minnesota summers on her bike or walking around the lakes. The other 9 months of the year, she tries to sprinkle in travel to new places to try ALL the local cuisine.

Published On: September 6, 2022
Run a mile for Spare Key's 25th Anniversary
On Thursday, September 15th, Spare Key’s Executive Director will be running 25 miles to celebrate our 25th Anniversary! We are asking our community to run a mile alongside him! But, MORE importantly, we are asking our runners (or walkers!) to find a family on and raise funds for that family throughout the day! Read on to find out how Spare Key is pledging to help YOU double your impact for a family facing unimaginable medical crises on Thursday, September 15th!
Published On: August 23, 2022
The Axlund Family on Help Me Bounce
One of my favorite parts about being Chief Marketing Officer with Spare Key is hearing from families first-hand why they shared their story on Help Me Bounce and how that support helped them in the most unimaginable times in their lives. It’s all too easy to forget the real reason our small team is six works as hard as a team of 20+. But then you meet a family who was facing the unimaginable that shared their story with strangers throughout the country. And then those strangers come together to raise thousands of dollars to help that family pay their bills and stay in their home… that’s when you remember WHY you work so hard day in and day out.
Published On: August 9, 2022
Spare Key's Evolution into Help Me Bounce
Twenty five years of helping families facing a medical crisis. In those 25 years, Spare Key has grown, evolved, and updated our platform, but our core mission hasn’t changed. The mission of helping families. Whether that’s families with a sick or injured child in the hospital or our mission today of helping families facing a medical crisis no matter the age, income, or injury! We help families “Bounce and Not Break.”
Published On: July 29, 2022
Intro Help Me Bounce Blog
Spare Key has officially launched our newest tool to keep families and donors informed on how we're working hard to create greater impact, enhance our program mission and share family stories: The Help Me Bounce Blog! Our mission is to help families facing unimaginable medical crises “Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Found” and the launch of our Help Me Bounce Blog gives us another tool to further that mission.